Are you receiving threatening calls about canceling your Medicare?

If you receive a call from someone threatening to cancel your Medicare plan, it is a SCAM! Even if they know your personal information, they are trying to SCAM YOU! Do NOT provide any sensitive information. Contact Senior Medicare Patrol for help by calling 877-808-2468.

Health insurance companies try to reach people in various ways, like television commercials, radio ads, events, mailings, phone calls, and texts. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has rules for marketing Medicare Advantage plans and Part D plans, though. These rules protect Medicare beneficiaries from aggressive or misleading marketing.

Report potential Medicare marketing violations and/or misleading marketing if someone:

  • Says they are from or sent by Medicare, Social Security, or Medicaid
  • Offers you gifts if you agree to sign up for their plan
  • Sends you text message or calls you without your permission
  • Pressures you to enroll in their plan
  • Approaches you in public and tries to sell you a plan

Caregivers and family members, be on the lookout for:

  • People who show up at your loved one’s home and try to sell them a Medicare plan
  • People who offer your loved one gifts or money to sign up for a plan
  • Medicare plan flyers left at your loved one’s door or on their car

Here are some ways to prevent Medicare Fraud from occurring: If you are a Medicare beneficiary, learn how to read your Medicare statements! Read your Medicare Summary Notice (MSN) or Explanation of Benefits (EOB) in the paper form that is mailed to you or go online to and review claims digitally.

Remember the three steps from the SMP: Prevent, Detect, Report!

  • Prevent: Learn how to read your MSN by watching this video, How to Read Your Medicare Summary Notice (MSN). You can also call your SMP or go to their website to learn how to best protect yourself and your loved ones from health care fraud, errors, or abuse. Find your SMP by using the state locator.
  • Detect: When reviewing your MSN or EOB, look for services, products, or equipment you didn’t receive, double charges, or items your doctor didn’t order.
    • Request and use a My Health Care Tracker from your SMP to compare appointment information you recorded with what is printed in your MSNs and/or EOBs.
    • If you find items of concern, call the doctor or company in question and ask them about potential mistakes. Call your insurance company if you still have questions.
  • Report: Call or email your local SMP if you believe that you have experienced health care fraud, errors, or abuse or if you would like to request a My Health Care Tracker.


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